Product description
Aalborg Taffel is a classic Akvavit, released in 1846. It has a lovely caraway, citrus flavour, and was heralded as Best Aquavit in the World at the 2002 International Wine and Spirit Competition.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Üzleteink március 15-én zárva tartanak és a kiszállításunk is szünetel az ünnepnap idején!
Danish masterpiece, citrusy, refreshingly fresh with the intense spiciness of caraway seeds. We can also discover mild dill flavors in its deeper layers.
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Danish Distillers (Danish: Det Danske Spiritus Kompagni known as Danish: De Danske Spritfabrikker) is a company that was headquartered in Aalborg, Denmark. Isidor Henius, the father of Max Henius, was one of the founders of a company that was acquired by Danish Distillers, which ended up owning all Danish spirits production. It has been owned by the Norwegian-based Arcus Group since 2013. To avoid a dominant position in the Danish market, Arcus had to divest the brand Brøndums Snaps (akvavit). This brand was sold to Finland's Altia group spirits producer. The brands were not reunited in 2021 when Arcus and Altia merged to form Anora Group as Altia sold Brøndums to Galatea ahead of the merger.The company is known for its Aalborg akvavits and Gammel Dansk bitter. It was established in 1881 by C. F. Tietgen. The factory is located west of the Limfjord Bridge. Completed in 1931, it was designed in Neoclassical style by the architect Alf Cock-Clausen. It is now a Danish National Heritage site. The factory in Aalborg closed in April 2015 when production was moved to Norway.
Aalborg Taffel is a classic Akvavit, released in 1846. It has a lovely caraway, citrus flavour, and was heralded as Best Aquavit in the World at the 2002 International Wine and Spirit Competition.