Product description
JC David's all products are handcrafted from raw materials which have been carefully selected for their quality in the purest tradition of Boulogne-sur-Mer workshop.
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Delicious smoked mackerel fillets with black pepper. A light, delicious dish, perfect for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
Jean-Claude David founded his salting and curing business in 1973 in the Boulogne-sur-Mer (Northern France) port area, a historic center of French maritime activity. The J.C. David establishments salt and smoke herring, haddock, salmon and mackerel in real wood-fired ovens, in the pure tradition. Today, this ancestral know-how is the guarantee of a unique and constant quality.
Mackerel fillets (fish) (Scomber scombrus, trawl fishery in the North Sea and West of Scotland), salt, black pepper (1%).
JC David's all products are handcrafted from raw materials which have been carefully selected for their quality in the purest tradition of Boulogne-sur-Mer workshop.