Product description
It's the perfect lunch on a busy day, as it's delicious, healthy and nutritious without weighing down the stomach.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy online rendelés leadása esetén, továbbra sem lehetséges a készpénzes fizetés. Utánvétes fizetés esetén kizárólag bankkártyával tudnak fizetni kollégáinknál. Megértésüket köszönjük!
Inspired by a traditional dish from Provance this tasty tuna salad is made with sherry vinegar, grilled zucchini, eggplant, pepper, black olives and herbs de Provance.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
La Belle Iloise produces a fabulous selection of preserved fish in Brittany, the traditional heartland of fish preservation in France. They have a very high reputation for quality and as you can see they have a huge and varied selection of produce.
mackerel fillet 43%, rapeseed oil, artichokes 9%, Jerusalem artichokes, water, roasted buckwheat 4%, wine vinegar (sulphite), semi-dried tomatoes 2%, garlic 1%, parsley 0.8%, manioc starch, salt, algae, spices.
tuna, sulphite
It's the perfect lunch on a busy day, as it's delicious, healthy and nutritious without weighing down the stomach.