Product description
On the run, at the office or whenever you feel like eating something delicious and healthy, the La Belle Iloise salads will not disappoint you!
Kedves Vásárlóink! Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy online rendelés leadása esetén, továbbra sem lehetséges a készpénzes fizetés. Utánvétes fizetés esetén kizárólag bankkártyával tudnak fizetni kollégáinknál. Megértésüket köszönjük!
French tuna salad with black rice and tuscan pepper.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
La Belle Iloise produces a fabulous selection of preserved fish in Brittany, the traditional heartland of fish preservation in France. They have a high reputation for quality and a varied selection of products.
vegetables 46% (fennel, roasted red peppers 10%, yellow peppers 10%, cherry tomatoes 9%, semi-dried tomatoes, roasted onions), Germon white tuna 19%, water, spelled 7%, black rice 7%, extra virgin olive oil, basil 2%, white wine vinegar (contains sulphite), potato starch, salt, yeast extract, herbs, basil sunflower oil 0.18%, spices.
tuna, sulphites, spelt
On the run, at the office or whenever you feel like eating something delicious and healthy, the La Belle Iloise salads will not disappoint you!