Product description
The recipe for these sweets has remained unchanged for more than a hundred years and still calls for plain flour, lard, almond and sugar that are mixed together and baked.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy online rendelés leadása esetén, továbbra sem lehetséges a készpénzes fizetés. Utánvétes fizetés esetén kizárólag bankkártyával tudnak fizetni kollégáinknál. Megértésüket köszönjük!
Mantecadas is a type of sweet cake traditionally made in the municipality of Estepa, in the province of Seville.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
Escribà Dreams is a brand of sweet products, the result of the union and complicity between two pastry prodigies: Christian Escribà and Patricia Schmidt. The well-known pastry shop in Barcelona is a showcase for his art and creativity, now within every
The recipe for these sweets has remained unchanged for more than a hundred years and still calls for plain flour, lard, almond and sugar that are mixed together and baked.