Product description
A truly fantastic jam that really has the essence of the fruit. No artificial colours, preservatives or flavour enhancers, just real ripe fruit.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Üzleteink március 15-én zárva tartanak és a kiszállításunk is szünetel az ünnepnap idején!
Premium quality homemade jam from fresh rapsberries.
Ági Schmidt’s homemade jams looks just like fruit pulp put in lovely little jars. Their fruit content is prominently high, varies between 80 and 100% depending on the type. All her jams are solely made off freshly picked, unprocessed bio fruit or wild fruits without preservatives.
A truly fantastic jam that really has the essence of the fruit. No artificial colours, preservatives or flavour enhancers, just real ripe fruit.