Product description
The two noble ingredients are made for each other: discover the perfect pairing between the delicacy of goose liver and the originality of cooked butter bolete mushrooms.
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To be eaten chilled as an aperitif or appetizer.
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Gabriel Dubarry founded Ducs de Gascogne in 1953 in Gimont (Gers), the citadel of goose liver. He had a great deal of enthusiasm for spreading the enjoyment of eating goose liver, to the delight of the connoisseurs, in the service of his company. Dubarry's son, Pierre also learned traditional recipes. The family business has become an indispensable reference in French gastronomy. The grandchildren of the founder, Laurence and Anne Dubarry, continue to work and invite you on a wonderful gastronomic journey, caring about the quality and originality of the foods and recipes.
duck liver (20%), chicken liver, duck fat, water, fresh cream (lactic fermentation) (from milk), butter bolete mushrooms (10%: butter bolete mushrooms, sunflower oil), eggs, salt, sugar, pepper.
milk, egg
The two noble ingredients are made for each other: discover the perfect pairing between the delicacy of goose liver and the originality of cooked butter bolete mushrooms.