Product description
It includes yarrow, sage, lemongrass, lady's mantle, shepherd's purse and fennel.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy online rendelés leadása esetén, továbbra sem lehetséges a készpénzes fizetés. Utánvétes fizetés esetén kizárólag bankkártyával tudnak fizetni kollégáinknál. Megértésüket köszönjük!
This tea blend specially prepared for women is recommended for stronger and more painful menstruation.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
Mariann Beh, a horticulturalist and mother of two, created the Basil Garden in 2014, where she started to show the diversity of uses of herbs, wild edible plants and edible flowers in a unique way, not only in the form of tea blends, but also in the fo
Lemongrass, yarrow, lady's mantle, shepherd's purse, sage, fennel, rose.
It includes yarrow, sage, lemongrass, lady's mantle, shepherd's purse and fennel.