Product description
The blue-white-heart logo is the privilege of milk from sustainable farming.
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High content, lactose-free milk heat treated and homogenized. It can be eaten immediately, the fat does not separate on top. It comes exclusively from animals fed with GMO-free feed.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
The history of Martontej began in the 1900s, when it was the manorial dairy farm of Count Antal Dréher. Today, the Holstein-Friesian cattle herd, numbering nearly 1,000 animals, not only produces a large amount of milk, but also first-class milk, thanks to the monodiet, GMO-free feed, 80% of which they produce themselves. Their premium products are free of artificial additives, colorings and flavorings.
pasteurized cow's milk
The blue-white-heart logo is the privilege of milk from sustainable farming.