Product description
This variety has very good cold resistance. For spring, fall and winter growing only. Use in salads to brighten up other greens. Sow May-end Oct. Pack contains approximately 2200 seeds.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy online rendelés leadása esetén, továbbra sem lehetséges a készpénzes fizetés. Utánvétes fizetés esetén kizárólag bankkártyával tudnak fizetni kollégáinknál. Megértésüket köszönjük!
Sokféle elnevezése van világszerte: magyarul madársaláta, angolul báránysaláta, valeriana az olaszoknál, kukoricasaláta Amerikában és mache a franciáknál. Nagy kerek levelei kis csokrot alkotnak. Remek tavaszi saláta, kellemes diós ízzel.
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
Franchi are probably the oldest family run seed company in the world and one of the largest in Italy. Giovanni Franchi (the current Mr. Franchi’s great great great great great grandfather) started selling his seed from his horse drawn cart at the local market piazza the same year that Mozart wrote his first mass and the Montgolfier brothers flew their balloon over Paris for the first time.!!You truly can feel their experience - which is ranging back 220 years – in every Franchi product. Most Italian dishes are made using simple recipes, but all of them using the best, freshest ingredients that can be found. Good ingredients are so important, that Italians still shop daily for their produce or will use their own, home-grown ingredients.
lamb's lettuce seeds
This variety has very good cold resistance. For spring, fall and winter growing only. Use in salads to brighten up other greens. Sow May-end Oct. Pack contains approximately 2200 seeds.