Product description
This london porter brings the classical flavours. It has 5.4 % abv which makes this beer rich, dark and complex in flavours. Award winning beer which became popular around the world.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Üzleteink március 15-én zárva tartanak és a kiszállításunk is szünetel az ünnepnap idején!
London Porter is one of the best porters in the word. It got its name from the porters in London.
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<p>Fuller, Smith & Turner - Commonly speaking, the famous Fuller Brewery. It was founded in 1845 by John Byrd Fuller, Henry Smith and John Turner. Three of them were involved in the brewery, either using direct experience or their own financial investments, and the descendants of Fuller and Turner still play in running the brewery today.</p>
This london porter brings the classical flavours. It has 5.4 % abv which makes this beer rich, dark and complex in flavours. Award winning beer which became popular around the world.