Product description
Authentic, traditional Mozzarella, made from pure Buffalo milk, it has a characteristic, extraordinary musky flavor, with a barely perceptible tang. Stored in salty water.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Üzleteink március 15-én zárva tartanak és a kiszállításunk is szünetel az ünnepnap idején!
Mozzarella balls made from high quality buffalo milk. Soft, pleasant-tasting cheese stored in brine.
Fattorie Garofalo make handmade and traditional buffalo products in Italy. Their products are made from only buffalo milk and they use traditional recipes. Their high qualified mozzarellas negotiate restaurant managers and costumers too.
organic buffalo milk, organic natural whey, salt, rennet
Authentic, traditional Mozzarella, made from pure Buffalo milk, it has a characteristic, extraordinary musky flavor, with a barely perceptible tang. Stored in salty water.