Product description
Made without flavor enhancers and artificial colors.
Kedves Vásárlóink! Üzleteink március 15-én zárva tartanak és a kiszállításunk is szünetel az ünnepnap idején!
If you are looking for an alternative to the classic white, refined sugar, you will find an exciting sweetener in the Muscovado variant; The aroma is even described as slightly malty, nutty or similar to liquorice and goes well with espresso, coffee, c
The product has been discontinued in our webshop
The German company, Ankerkraut a provider of hand-made spices, spice-mixtures and rubs. For the founders, Anne and Stefan Lemcke the secret to delicious food is in the detail. Love and care are the two most important ingredients in its unique spice ble
Muscovado sugar
Made without flavor enhancers and artificial colors.